Source code for hs_restclient.endpoints.resources

import json
import os

from requests_toolbelt import MultipartEncoder, MultipartEncoderMonitor

from ..generators import resultsListGenerator

[docs]def default_progress_callback(monitor): pass
[docs]class BaseEndpoint(object): def __init__(self, hs): self.hs = hs
[docs]class ScimetaSubEndpoint(object): def __init__(self, hs, pid): self.hs = hs = pid
[docs] def custom(self, payload): """ :param payload: a key/value object containing the scimeta you want to store e.g. {"weather": "sunny", "temperature": "80C" } :return: empty (200 status code) """ url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/scimeta/custom/".format(url_base=self.hs.url_base, r = self.hs._request('POST', url, data=payload) return r
[docs] def get(self): """ :param payload: a key/value object containing the scimeta you want to store e.g. {"weather": "sunny", "temperature": "80C" } :return: empty (200 status code) """ url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/scimeta/custom/".format(url_base=self.hs.url_base, r = self.hs._request('GET', url) return json.loads(r.text)
[docs]class FilesSubEndpoint(object): def __init__(self, hs, pid): self.hs = hs = pid
[docs] def all(self): """ :return: array of file objects (200 status code) """ url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/files/".format(url_base=self.hs.url_base, r = self.hs._request('GET', url) return r
[docs] def metadata(self, file_path, params=None): """ :params: title: string keywords: array extra_metadata: array temporal_coverage: coverage object spatial_coverage: coverage object :return: file metadata object (200 status code) """ url_base = self.hs.url_base url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/files/metadata/{file_path}/".format(url_base=url_base,, file_path=file_path) if params is None: r = self.hs._request('GET', url) else: headers = {} headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" r = self.hs._request("PUT", url, data=json.dumps(params), headers=headers) return r
[docs]class FunctionsSubEndpoint(object): def __init__(self, hs, pid): self.hs = hs = pid
[docs] def move_or_rename(self, payload): """ Moves or renames a file :param payload: source_path: string target_path: string :return: (object) target_rel_path: tgt_path """ url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/functions/move-or-rename/".format( url_base=self.hs.url_base, r = self.hs._request('POST', url, None, payload) return r
[docs] def zip(self, payload): """ Zips a resource file :param payload: input_coll_path: (string) input collection path output_zip_file_name: (string) remove_original_after_zip: (boolean) :return: (object) name: output_zip_fname size: size of the zipped file type: 'zip' """ url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/functions/zip/".format( url_base=self.hs.url_base, r = self.hs._request('POST', url, None, payload) return r
[docs] def unzip(self, payload): """ Unzips a file :param payload: zip_with_rel_path: string remove_original_zip: boolean :return: (object) unzipped_path: string """ zip_with_rel_path = payload.pop('zip_with_rel_path') url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/functions/unzip/{path}/".format( url_base=self.hs.url_base, path=zip_with_rel_path, r = self.hs._request('POST', url, None, payload) return r
[docs] def rep_res_bag_to_irods_user_zone(self): """Replicate data bag to iRODS user zone. param payload: zip_with_rel_path: string remove_original_zip: boolean :return: (object) unzipped_path: string """ url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/functions/rep-res-bag-to-irods-user-zone/".format( url_base=self.hs.url_base, r = self.hs._request('POST', url, None, {}) return r
[docs] def set_file_type(self, payload): """ Sets a file to a specific HydroShare file type (e.g. NetCDF, GeoRaster, GeoFeature etc) :param payload: file_path: string (relative path of the file to be set to a specific file type) hs_file_type: string (one of the supported files types: SingleFile, NetCDF, GeoRaster, RefTimeseries, TimeSeries and GeoFeature) :return: (object) message: string """ file_path = payload.pop('file_path') hs_file_type = payload.pop('hs_file_type') url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/functions/set-file-type/{file_path}/{file_type}/".format( url_base=self.hs.url_base,, file_path=file_path, file_type=hs_file_type) r = self.hs._request('POST', url, None, payload) return r
[docs]class ResourceEndpoint(BaseEndpoint): def __init__(self, hs, pid): super(ResourceEndpoint, self).__init__(hs) = pid self.scimeta = ScimetaSubEndpoint(hs, pid) self.functions = FunctionsSubEndpoint(hs, pid) self.files = FilesSubEndpoint(hs, pid)
[docs] def copy(self): """Creates a copy of a resource. :return: string resource id """ url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/copy/".format(url_base=self.hs.url_base, r = self.hs._request('POST', url) return r
[docs] def flag(self, payload): """Set a single flag on a resource. :param payload: t: can be one of make_public, make_private, make_shareable, make_not_shareable, make_discoverable, make_not_discoverable :return: empty but with 202 status_code """ url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/flag/".format(url_base=self.hs.url_base, r = self.hs._request('POST', url, None, payload) return r
[docs] def files(self, payload): """Upload a file to a hydroshare resource. :param payload: file: File object to upload to server folder: folder path to upload the file to :return: json object resource_id: string resource id, file_name: string name of file """ url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/files/".format(url_base=self.hs.url_base, encoder = MultipartEncoder({ "file": (payload['file'], open(payload['file'], 'r')), "folder": payload['folder'] }) monitor = MultipartEncoderMonitor(encoder, default_progress_callback) r = self.hs._request('POST', url, None, data=monitor, headers={'Content-Type': monitor.content_type}) return r.text
[docs] def version(self): """Create a new version of a resource. :return: resource id (string) """ url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/version/".format(url_base=self.hs.url_base, r = self.hs._request('POST', url) return r
[docs] def public(self, boolean): """Pass through helper function for flag function.""" if(boolean): r = self.flag({ "flag": "make_public" }) else: r = self.flag({ "flag": "make_private" }) return r
[docs] def discoverable(self, boolean): """Pass through helper function for flag function.""" if(boolean): r = self.flag({ "flag": "make_discoverable" }) else: r = self.flag({ "flag": "make_not_discoverable" }) return r
[docs] def shareable(self, boolean): """Pass through helper function for flag function.""" if(boolean): r = self.flag({ "flag": "make_shareable" }) else: r = self.flag({ "flag": "make_not_shareable" }) return r
[docs]class ResourceList(BaseEndpoint): def __init__(self, hs, **kwargs): super(ResourceList, self).__init__(hs) """ Query the GET /hsapi/resource/ REST end point of the HydroShare server. :param creator: DEPRECATED - use author :param author: Filter results by the HydroShare user name of resource authors :param owner: Filter results by the HydroShare user name of resource owners :param user: Filter results by the HydroShare user name of resource users (i.e. owner, editor, viewer, public resource) :param group: Filter results by the HydroShare group name associated with resources :param from_date: Filter results to those created after from_date. Must be :param to_date: Filter results to those created before to_date. Must be Because dates have no time information, you must specify date+1 day to get results for date (e.g. use 2015-05-06 to get resources created up to and including 2015-05-05) :param types: Filter results to particular HydroShare resource types. Must be a sequence type (e.g. list, tuple, etc.), but not a string. :param start: Filter results by start :param count: Filter results by count :param subject: Filter by comma separated list of subjects :param metadata: Filter by JSON metadata :param full_text_search: Filter by full text search :param edit_permission: Filter by boolean edit permission :param published: Filter by boolean published status :param coverage_type: Filter by coverage type, one of 'box' or 'point' :param north: Filter by north coordinate, float or char :param south: Filter by south coordinate, float or char :param east: Filter by east coordinate, float or char :param west: Filter by west coordinate, float or char :raises: HydroShareHTTPException to signal an HTTP error :raises: HydroShareArgumentException for any invalid arguments :return: A generator that can be used to fetch dict objects, each dict representing the JSON object representation of the resource returned by the REST end point. For example: >>> for resource in hs.getResourceList(): >>>> print resource {u'bag_url': u'', u'author': u'B Miles', u'date_created': u'05-05-2015', u'date_last_updated': u'05-05-2015', u'resource_id': u'e62a438bec384087b6c00ddcd1b6475a', u'resource_title': u'My sample DEM', u'resource_type': u'RasterResource', u'discoverable': True, u'shareable': True, u'immutable': True, u'published': True, u'resource_url': u'', u'resource_map_url': u'', u'science_metadata_url': u'', u'public': True} {u'bag_url': u'', u'author': u'B Miles', u'date_created': u'01-02-2015', u'date_last_updated': u'05-13-2015', u'resource_id': u'hr3hy35y5ht4y54hhthrtg43w', u'resource_title': u'Other raster', u'resource_type': u'RasterResource', u'discoverable': True, u'shareable': True, u'immutable': True, u'published': True, u'resource_url': u'', u'resource_map_url': u'', u'science_metadata_url': u'', u'public': True} Filtering (have): /hsapi/resourceList/?from_date=2015-05-03&to_date=2015-05-06 /hsapi/resourceList/?user=admin /hsapi/resourceList/?owner=admin /hsapi/resourceList/?author=admin /hsapi/resourceList/?group=groupname /hsapi/resourceList/?types=GenericResource&types=RasterResource Filtering (need): /hsapi/resourceList/?sharedWith=user """ url = "{url_base}/resource/".format(url_base=self.hs.url_base) params = kwargs if 'from_date' in kwargs: params['from_date'] = kwargs['from_date'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if 'to_date' in kwargs: params['to_date'] = kwargs['to_date'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if 'types' in kwargs: params['type'] = kwargs.pop('types') self.list = resultsListGenerator(self.hs, url, params)