Source code for hs_restclient


Client library for HydroShare REST API


__title__ = 'hs_restclient'
__version__ = '1.3.6'

import os
import time
import zipfile
import tempfile
import shutil
import mimetypes
import json
import warnings

import requests

from requests_toolbelt import MultipartEncoder, MultipartEncoderMonitor
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
from oauthlib.oauth2 import LegacyApplicationClient, TokenExpiredError

from .endpoints.resources import ResourceEndpoint, ResourceList
from .exceptions import *
from .generators import resultsListGenerator

STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE = 100 * 1024



# bind raw_input to input for Python 2 and 3 compatibility
    input = raw_input
except NameError:

[docs]def default_progress_callback(monitor): pass
[docs]class HydroShare(object): """ Construct HydroShare object for querying HydroShare's REST API :param hostname: Hostname of the HydroShare server to query :param port: Integer representing the TCP port on which to connect to the HydroShare server :param use_https: Boolean, if True, HTTPS will be used (HTTP cannot be used when auth is specified) :param verify: Boolean, if True, security certificates will be verified :param auth: Concrete instance of AbstractHydroShareAuth (e.g. HydroShareAuthBasic) :param prompt_auth: Boolean, default True, prompts user/pass if no auth is given :raises: HydroShareAuthenticationException if auth is not a known authentication type. :raises: HydroShareAuthenticationException if auth is specified by use_https is False. :raises: HydroShareAuthenticationException if other authentication errors occur. """ _URL_PROTO_WITHOUT_PORT = "{scheme}://{hostname}/hsapi" _URL_PROTO_WITH_PORT = "{scheme}://{hostname}:{port}/hsapi" def __init__(self, hostname=DEFAULT_HOSTNAME, port=None, use_https=True, verify=True, auth=None, prompt_auth=True): self.hostname = hostname self.verify = verify self.session = None self.auth = None if auth: self.auth = auth elif prompt_auth: import getpass username = input("Username: ").strip() password = getpass.getpass("Password for {}: ".format(username)) auth = HydroShareAuthBasic(username=username, password=password) self.auth = auth if use_https: self.scheme = 'https' else: self.scheme = 'http' self.use_https = use_https if port: self.port = int(port) if self.port < 0 or self.port > 65535: raise HydroShareException("Port number {0} is illegal.".format(self.port)) self.url_base = self._URL_PROTO_WITH_PORT.format(scheme=self.scheme, hostname=self.hostname, port=self.port) else: self.url_base = self._URL_PROTO_WITHOUT_PORT.format(scheme=self.scheme, hostname=self.hostname) self._initializeSession() self._resource_types = None
[docs] def resource(self, pid): return self.resources(id=pid)
[docs] def resources(self, **kwargs): if 'id' in kwargs: resource_endpoint = ResourceEndpoint(self, kwargs.get('id', None)) return resource_endpoint return ResourceList(self, **kwargs).list
@property def resource_types(self): if self._resource_types is None: self._resource_types = self.getResourceTypes() return self._resource_types def _initializeSession(self): if self.session: self.session.close() if self.auth is None: # No authentication self.session = requests.Session() elif isinstance(self.auth, HydroShareAuthBasic): # HTTP basic authentication # if not self.use_https: # raise HydroShareAuthenticationException("HTTPS is required when using authentication.") self.session = requests.Session() self.session.auth = (self.auth.username, self.auth.password) elif isinstance(self.auth, HydroShareAuthOAuth2): # OAuth2 authentication if not self.use_https: raise HydroShareAuthenticationException("HTTPS is required when using authentication.") if self.auth.token is None: if self.auth.username is None or self.auth.password is None: msg = "Username and password are required when using OAuth2 without an external token" raise HydroShareAuthenticationException(msg) self.session = OAuth2Session(client=LegacyApplicationClient(client_id=self.auth.client_id)) self.session.fetch_token(token_url=self.auth.token_url, username=self.auth.username, password=self.auth.password, client_id=self.auth.client_id, client_secret=self.auth.client_secret, verify=self.verify) else: self.session = OAuth2Session(client_id=self.auth.client_id, token=self.auth.token) else: raise HydroShareAuthenticationException("Unsupported authentication type '{0}'.".format(str(type(self.auth)))) def _request(self, method, url, params=None, data=None, json=None, files=None, headers=None, stream=False): if(data and json): raise Exception("Can't pass data and json at the same time") if(json): data = json r = None try: if(json): r = self.session.request(method, url, params=params, json=data, files=files, headers=headers, stream=stream, verify=self.verify) else: r = self.session.request(method, url, params=params, data=data, files=files, headers=headers, stream=stream, verify=self.verify) except requests.ConnectionError: # We might have gotten a connection error because the server we were talking to went down. # Re-initialize the session and try again self._initializeSession() r = self.session.request(method, url, params=params, data=data, files=files, headers=headers, stream=stream, verify=self.verify) return r def _prepareFileForUpload(self, request_params, resource_file, resource_filename=None): fname = None close_fd = False if isinstance(resource_file, str): if not os.path.isfile(resource_file) or not os.access(resource_file, os.R_OK): raise HydroShareArgumentException("{0} is not a file or is not readable.".format(resource_file)) fd = open(resource_file, 'rb') close_fd = True if not resource_filename: fname = os.path.basename(resource_file) else: fname = resource_filename else: if not resource_filename: raise HydroShareArgumentException("resource_filename must be specified when resource_file " + "is a file-like object.") # Assume it is a file-like object fd = resource_file fname = resource_filename mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(fname) if mime_type[0] is None: mime_type = 'application/octet-stream' else: mime_type = mime_type[0] request_params['file'] = (fname, fd, mime_type) request_params['folder'] = os.path.dirname(fname) return close_fd
[docs] def getResourceList(self, **kwargs): warnings.warn("This syntax is deprecated, please use hs.resources(**kwargs) instead.") return self.resources(**kwargs)
[docs] def getSystemMetadata(self, pid): """ Get system metadata for a resource :param pid: The HydroShare ID of the resource :raises: HydroShareHTTPException to signal an HTTP error :return: A dict representing the JSON object representation of the resource returned by the REST end point. Example of data returned: {u'bag_url': u'', u'creator': u'B Miles', u'date_created': u'01-02-2015', u'date_last_updated': u'05-13-2015', u'resource_id': u'hr3hy35y5ht4y54hhthrtg43w', u'resource_title': u'Other raster', u'resource_type': u'RasterResource', u'science_metadata_url': u'', u'public': True} """ url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/sysmeta/".format(url_base=self.url_base, pid=pid) r = self._request('GET', url) if r.status_code != 200: if r.status_code == 403: raise HydroShareNotAuthorized(('GET', url)) elif r.status_code == 404: raise HydroShareNotFound((pid,)) else: raise HydroShareHTTPException(r) return r.json()
[docs] def getScienceMetadataRDF(self, pid): """ Get science metadata for a resource in XML+RDF format :param pid: The HydroShare ID of the resource :raises: HydroShareNotAuthorized if the user is not authorized to view the metadata. :raises: HydroShareNotFound if the resource was not found. :raises: HydroShareHTTPException to signal an HTTP error. :return: A string representing the XML+RDF serialization of science metadata. Example of data XML+RDF returned: <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF PUBLIC "-//DUBLIN CORE//DCMES DTD 2002/07/31//EN" ""> <rdf:RDF xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:hsterms="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:rdfs1=""> <rdf:Description rdf:about=""> <dc:title>Great Salt Lake Level and Volume</dc:title> <dc:type rdf:resource=""/> <dc:description> <rdf:Description> <dcterms:abstract>Time series of level, area and volume in the Great Salt Lake. Volume and area of the Great Salt Lake are derived from recorded levels</dcterms:abstract> </rdf:Description> </dc:description> <hsterms:awardInfo> <rdf:Description rdf:about=""> <hsterms:fundingAgencyName>National Science Foundation</hsterms:fundingAgencyName> <hsterms:awardTitle>Model Execution Cyberinfrastructure </hsterms:awardTitle> <hsterms:awardNumber>NSF_9087658_2017</hsterms:awardNumber> </rdf:Description> </hsterms:awardInfo> <dc:creator> <rdf:Description> <hsterms:name>John Smith</hsterms:name> <hsterms:creatorOrder>1</hsterms:creatorOrder> <hsterms:organization>Utah State University</hsterms:organization> <hsterms:email></hsterms:email> <hsterms:address>Engineering Building, USU, Logan, Utah</hsterms:address> <hsterms:phone rdf:resource="tel:435-797-8967"/> </rdf:Description> </dc:creator> <dc:creator> <rdf:Description> <hsterms:name>Lisa Miller</hsterms:name> <hsterms:creatorOrder>2</hsterms:creatorOrder> </rdf:Description> </dc:creator> <dc:contributor> <rdf:Description> <hsterms:name>Jenny Parker</hsterms:name> <hsterms:organization>Univesity of Utah</hsterms:organization> <hsterms:email></hsterms:email> </rdf:Description> </dc:contributor> <dc:coverage> <dcterms:period> <rdf:value>start=2000-01-01T00:00:00; end=2010-12-12T00:00:00; scheme=W3C-DTF</rdf:value> </dcterms:period> </dc:coverage> <dc:date> <dcterms:created> <rdf:value>2017-01-03T17:06:18.932217+00:00</rdf:value> </dcterms:created> </dc:date> <dc:date> <dcterms:modified> <rdf:value>2017-01-03T17:35:34.067279+00:00</rdf:value> </dcterms:modified> </dc:date> <dc:format>image/tiff</dc:format> <dc:identifier> <rdf:Description> <hsterms:hydroShareIdentifier></hsterms:hydroShareIdentifier> </rdf:Description> </dc:identifier> <dc:language>eng</dc:language> <dc:rights> <rdf:Description> <hsterms:rightsStatement>This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.</hsterms:rightsStatement> <hsterms:URL rdf:resource=""/> </rdf:Description> </dc:rights> <dc:subject>NSF</dc:subject> <dc:subject>Model</dc:subject> <dc:subject>Cyberinfrastructure</dc:subject> <hsterms:extendedMetadata> <rdf:Description> <hsterms:key>model</hsterms:key> <hsterms:value>ueb</hsterms:value> </rdf:Description> </hsterms:extendedMetadata> <hsterms:extendedMetadata> <rdf:Description> <hsterms:key>os</hsterms:key> <hsterms:value>windows</hsterms:value> </rdf:Description> </hsterms:extendedMetadata> </rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about=""> <rdfs1:label>Generic</rdfs1:label> <rdfs1:isDefinedBy></rdfs1:isDefinedBy> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> """ url = "{url_base}/scimeta/{pid}/".format(url_base=self.url_base, pid=pid) r = self._request('GET', url) if r.status_code != 200: if r.status_code == 403: raise HydroShareNotAuthorized(('GET', url)) elif r.status_code == 404: raise HydroShareNotFound((pid,)) else: raise HydroShareHTTPException(r) return str(r.content)
[docs] def getScienceMetadata(self, pid): """ Get science metadata for a resource in JSON format Note: Dublin core metadata as well as any resource specific metadata is retrieved. :param pid: The HydroShare ID of the resource :raises: HydroShareNotAuthorized if the user is not authorized to view the metadata. :raises: HydroShareNotFound if the resource was not found. :raises: HydroShareHTTPException to signal an HTTP error. :return: A string representing JSON serialization of science metadata. Example of data JSON returned (this example shows only Dublin core metadata): { "title":"Great Salt Lake Level and Volume", "creators":[ {"name":"John Smith","description":"/user/24/","organization":"USU","email":"","address":"Engineering Building, USU, Logan, Utah","phone":"435-789-9087","homepage":null,"order":1}, {"name":"Lisa Miller","description":null,"organization":null,"email":null,"address":null,"phone":null,"homepage":null,"order":2} ], "contributors":[ {"name":"Jenny Parker","description":"","organization":"Univesity of Utah","email":"","address":"","phone":"","homepage":""} ], "coverages":[ {"type":"period","value":{"start":"01/01/2000","end":"12/12/2010"}} ], "dates":[ {"type":"created","start_date":"2017-01-03T17:06:18.932217Z","end_date":null}, {"type":"modified","start_date":"2017-01-03T17:06:19.162694Z","end_date":null} ], "description":"Time series of level, area and volume in the Great Salt Lake. Volume and area of the Great Salt Lake are derived from recorded levels", "formats":[ {"value":"image/tiff"} ], "funding_agencies":[ {"agency_name":"National Science Foundation","award_title":"Model Execution Cyberinfrastructure ","award_number":"NSF_9087658_2017","agency_url":""} ], "identifiers":[ {"name":"hydroShareIdentifier","url":""} ], "language":"eng", "rights":"This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.", "type":"", "publisher":null, "sources":[], "subjects":[ {"value":"NSF"}, {"value":"Modeling"} ], "relations":[] } """ url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/scimeta/elements".format(url_base=self.url_base, pid=pid) r = self._request('GET', url) if r.status_code != 200: if r.status_code == 403: raise HydroShareNotAuthorized(('GET', url)) elif r.status_code == 404: raise HydroShareNotFound((pid,)) else: raise HydroShareHTTPException(r) return r.json()
[docs] def updateScienceMetadata(self, pid, metadata): """Update Dublin core metadata as well as resource specific metadata for a resource :param pid: The HydroShare ID of the resource for which science metadata needs to be updated :param metadata: A dict containing data for each of the dublin core metadata elements that needs to be updated :raises: HydroShareNotAuthorized if the user is not authorized to view the metadata. :raises: HydroShareNotFound if the resource was not found. :raises: HydroShareHTTPException to signal an HTTP error. :return: A string representing the JSON serialization of resource science metadata. Example of data JSON returned (this example shows only Dublin core metadata): { "title":"Great Salt Lake Level and Volume", "creators":[ {"name":"John Smith","description":"/user/24/","organization":"USU","email":"","address":"Engineering Building, USU, Logan, Utah","phone":"435-789-9087","homepage":null,"order":1}, {"name":"Lisa Miller","description":null,"organization":null,"email":null,"address":null,"phone":null,"homepage":null,"order":2} ], "contributors":[ {"name":"Jenny Parker","description":"","organization":"University of Utah","email":"","address":"","phone":"","homepage":""} ], "coverages":[ {"type":"period","value":{"start":"01/01/2000","end":"12/12/2010"}} ], "dates":[ {"type":"created","start_date":"2017-01-03T17:06:18.932217Z","end_date":null}, {"type":"modified","start_date":"2017-01-03T17:06:19.162694Z","end_date":null} ], "description":"Time series of level, area and volume in the Great Salt Lake. Volume and area of the Great Salt Lake are derived from recorded levels", "formats":[ {"value":"image/tiff"} ], "funding_agencies":[ {"agency_name":"National Science Foundation","award_title":"Model Execution Cyberinfrastructure ","award_number":"NSF_9087658_2017","agency_url":""} ], "identifiers":[ {"name":"hydroShareIdentifier","url":""} ], "language":"eng", "rights": {"statement": "This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY." "url": ""}, "type":"", "publisher":null, "sources":[], "subjects":[ {"value":"NSF"}, {"value":"Modeling"} ], "relations":[] } """ url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/scimeta/elements/".format(url_base=self.url_base, pid=pid) r = self._request('PUT', url, json=metadata) if r.status_code != 202: if r.status_code == 403: raise HydroShareNotAuthorized(('PUT', url)) elif r.status_code == 404: raise HydroShareNotFound((pid,)) else: raise HydroShareHTTPException(r) return r.json()
[docs] def getResourceMap(self, pid): """ Get resource map metadata for a resource :param pid: The HydroShare ID of the resource :raises: HydroShareNotAuthorized if the user is not authorized to view the metadata. :raises: HydroShareNotFound if the resource was not found. :raises: HydroShareHTTPException to signal an HTTP error. :return: A string representing the XML+RDF serialization of resource map metadata. Example of data returned: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rdf:RDF xmlns:citoterms="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:foaf="" xmlns:ore="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:rdfs1="" > <rdf:Description rdf:about=""> <foaf:name>Foresite Toolkit (Python)</foaf:name> <foaf:mbox></foaf:mbox> </rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about=""> <rdfs1:label>Generic</rdfs1:label> <rdfs1:isDefinedBy></rdfs1:isDefinedBy> </rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about=""> <ore:isAggregatedBy></ore:isAggregatedBy> <dc:format>text/plain</dc:format> </rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about=""> <dc:identifier>03c862ccf17b4853ac4288d63ab2d766</dc:identifier> <ore:describes rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/> <dc:format>application/rdf+xml</dc:format> <dc:creator rdf:resource=""/> <dcterms:created>2016-11-29T16:17:52Z</dcterms:created> <dcterms:modified>2016-11-29T16:17:52Z</dcterms:modified> </rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about=""> <rdfs1:isDefinedBy></rdfs1:isDefinedBy> <rdfs1:label>ResourceMap</rdfs1:label> </rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about=""> <citoterms:isDocumentedBy></citoterms:isDocumentedBy> <dc:title>Gen Res-1</dc:title> <dcterms:type rdf:resource=""/> <ore:isDescribedBy></ore:isDescribedBy> <ore:aggregates rdf:resource=""/> <ore:aggregates rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/> </rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about=""> <ore:isAggregatedBy></ore:isAggregatedBy> <citoterms:documents></citoterms:documents> <dc:title>Dublin Core science metadata document describing the HydroShare resource</dc:title> <dc:format>application/rdf+xml</dc:format> </rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about=""> <rdfs1:label>Aggregation</rdfs1:label> <rdfs1:isDefinedBy></rdfs1:isDefinedBy> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> """ url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/map/".format(url_base=self.url_base, pid=pid) r = self._request('GET', url) if r.status_code != 200: if r.status_code == 403: raise HydroShareNotAuthorized(('GET', url)) elif r.status_code == 404: raise HydroShareNotFound((pid,)) else: raise HydroShareHTTPException(r) return str(r.content)
[docs] def getResource(self, pid, destination=None, unzip=False, wait_for_bag_creation=True): """ Get a resource in BagIt format :param pid: The HydroShare ID of the resource :param destination: String representing the directory to save bag to. Bag will be saved to file named $(PID).zip in destination; existing file of the same name will be overwritten. If None, a stream to the zipped bag will be returned instead. :param unzip: True if the bag should be unzipped when saved to destination. Bag contents to be saved to directory named $(PID) residing in destination. Only applies when destination is not None. :param wait_for_bag_creation: True if to wait to download the bag in case the bag is not ready (bag needs to be recreated before it can be downloaded). :raises: HydroShareArgumentException if any arguments are invalid. :raises: HydroShareNotAuthorized if the user is not authorized to access the resource. :raises: HydroShareNotFound if the resource was not found. :raises: HydroShareHTTPException to signal an HTTP error :raise: HydroShareBagNotReady if the bag is not ready to be downloaded and wait_for_bag_creation is False :return: None if the bag was saved directly to disk. Or a generator representing a buffered stream of the bytes comprising the bag returned by the REST end point. """ stream = self._getBagStream(pid, wait_for_bag_creation) if destination: self._storeBagOnFilesystem(stream, pid, destination, unzip) return None else: return stream
def _storeBagOnFilesystem(self, stream, pid, destination, unzip=False): if not os.path.isdir(destination): raise HydroShareArgumentException("{0} is not a directory.".format(destination)) if not os.access(destination, os.W_OK): raise HydroShareArgumentException("You do not have write permissions to directory '{0}'.".format(destination)) filename = "{pid}.zip".format(pid=pid) tempdir = None if unzip: tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() filepath = os.path.join(tempdir, filename) else: filepath = os.path.join(destination, filename) # Download bag (maybe temporarily) with open(filepath, 'wb') as fd: for chunk in stream: fd.write(chunk) if unzip: try: dirname = os.path.join(destination, pid) zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(filepath) zfile.extractall(dirname) except Exception as e: print("Received error {e} when unzipping BagIt archive to {dest}.".format(e=repr(e), dest=destination)) finally: shutil.rmtree(tempdir) def _getBagStream(self, pid, wait_for_bag_creation): bag_url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/".format(url_base=self.url_base, pid=pid) r = self._request('GET', bag_url, stream=True) if r.status_code != 200: if r.status_code == 403: raise HydroShareNotAuthorized(('GET', bag_url)) elif r.status_code == 404: raise HydroShareNotFound((pid,)) else: raise HydroShareHTTPException(r) elif r.headers['content-type'] == 'application/json': # this is the case of bag being generated by hydroshare and not ready for download content = json.loads(r.content.decode('utf-8')) if content['bag_status'] == "Not ready": if wait_for_bag_creation: # will wait until the bag is ready for download status = False while not status: # check bag ready status every 3 seconds time.sleep(3) task_id = content['task_id'] # check task status status = self._getTaskStatus(task_id) if status: # bag is ready for download return self._getBagStream(pid, wait_for_bag_creation) else: raise HydroShareBagNotReadyException("Please try later. The bag is not ready yet for download.") elif r.headers['content-type'] == 'text/plain': # this is the case of big file issue raise HydroShareException(r.content) return r.iter_content(STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE) def _getTaskStatus(self, task_id): task_status_url = "{url_base}/taskstatus/{task_id}/" task_status_url = task_status_url.format(url_base=self.url_base, task_id=task_id) r = self._request('GET', task_status_url) if r.content is None: return False response_data = r.json() return response_data['status']
[docs] def getResourceTypes(self): """ Get the list of resource types supported by the HydroShare server :return: A set of strings representing the HydroShare resource types :raises: HydroShareHTTPException to signal an HTTP error """ url = "{url_base}/resource/types".format(url_base=self.url_base) r = self._request('GET', url) if r.status_code != 200: raise HydroShareHTTPException(r) resource_types = r.json() return set([t['resource_type'] for t in resource_types])
[docs] def createResource(self, resource_type, title, resource_file=None, resource_filename=None, abstract=None, keywords=None, edit_users=None, view_users=None, edit_groups=None, view_groups=None, metadata=None, extra_metadata=None, progress_callback=None): """ Create a new resource. :param resource_type: string representing the a HydroShare resource type recognized by this server. :param title: string representing the title of the new resource :param resource_file: a read-only binary file-like object (i.e. opened with the flag 'rb') or a string representing path to file to be uploaded as part of the new resource :param resource_filename: string representing the filename of the resource file. Must be specified if resource_file is a file-like object. If resource_file is a string representing a valid file path, and resource_filename is not specified, resource_filename will be equal to os.path.basename(resource_file). is a string :param abstract: string representing abstract of resource :param keywords: list of strings representing keywords to associate with the resource :param edit_users: list of HydroShare usernames who will be given edit permissions :param view_users: list of HydroShare usernames who will be given view permissions :param edit_groups: list of HydroShare group names that will be given edit permissions :param view_groups: list of HydroShare group names that will be given view permissions :param metadata: json string data for each of the metadata elements :param extra_metadata: json string data for key/value pair metadata elements defined by user :param progress_callback: user-defined function to provide feedback to the user about the progress of the upload of resource_file. For more information, see: :return: string representing ID of newly created resource. :raises: HydroShareArgumentException if any parameters are invalid. :raises: HydroShareNotAuthorized if user is not authorized to perform action. :raises: HydroShareHTTPException if an unexpected HTTP response code is encountered. """ url = "{url_base}/resource/".format(url_base=self.url_base) close_fd = False if resource_type not in self.resource_types: raise HydroShareArgumentException("Resource type {0} is not among known resources: {1}".format(resource_type, ", ".join([r for r in self.resource_types]))) # Prepare request params = {'resource_type': resource_type, 'title': title} if abstract: params['abstract'] = abstract if keywords: # Put keywords in a format that django-rest's serializer will understand for (i, kw) in enumerate(keywords): key = "keywords[{index}]".format(index=i) params[key] = kw if edit_users: params['edit_users'] = edit_users if view_users: params['view_users'] = view_users if edit_groups: params['edit_groups'] = edit_groups if view_groups: params['view_groups'] = view_groups if metadata: params['metadata'] = metadata if extra_metadata: params['extra_metadata'] = extra_metadata if resource_file: close_fd = self._prepareFileForUpload(params, resource_file, resource_filename) encoder = MultipartEncoder(params) if progress_callback is None: progress_callback = default_progress_callback monitor = MultipartEncoderMonitor(encoder, progress_callback) r = self._request('POST', url, data=monitor, headers={'Content-Type': monitor.content_type}) if close_fd: fd = params['file'][1] fd.close() if r.status_code != 201: if r.status_code == 403: raise HydroShareNotAuthorized(('POST', url)) else: raise HydroShareHTTPException(r) response = r.json() new_resource_id = response['resource_id'] return new_resource_id
[docs] def deleteResource(self, pid): """ Delete a resource. :param pid: The HydroShare ID of the resource """ url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/".format(url_base=self.url_base, pid=pid) r = self._request('DELETE', url) if r.status_code != 204: if r.status_code == 403: raise HydroShareNotAuthorized(('DELETE', url)) elif r.status_code == 404: raise HydroShareNotFound((pid,)) else: raise HydroShareHTTPException(r)
[docs] def setAccessRules(self, pid, public=False): """ Set access rules for a resource. Current only allows for setting the public or private setting. :param pid: The HydroShare ID of the resource :param public: True if the resource should be made public. """ url = "{url_base}/resource/accessRules/{pid}/".format(url_base=self.url_base, pid=pid) params = {'public': public} r = self._request('PUT', url, data=params) if r.status_code != 200: if r.status_code == 403: raise HydroShareNotAuthorized(('PUT', url)) elif r.status_code == 404: raise HydroShareNotFound((pid,)) else: raise HydroShareHTTPException(r) resource = r.json() assert(resource['resource_id'] == pid) return resource['resource_id']
[docs] def addResourceFile(self, pid, resource_file, resource_filename=None, progress_callback=None): """ Add a new file to an existing resource :param pid: The HydroShare ID of the resource :param resource_file: a read-only binary file-like object (i.e. opened with the flag 'rb') or a string representing path to file to be uploaded as part of the new resource :param resource_filename: string representing the filename of the resource file. Must be specified if resource_file is a file-like object. If resource_file is a string representing a valid file path, and resource_filename is not specified, resource_filename will be equal to os.path.basename(resource_file). is a string :param progress_callback: user-defined function to provide feedback to the user about the progress of the upload of resource_file. For more information, see: :return: Dictionary containing 'resource_id' the ID of the resource to which the file was added, and 'file_name' the filename of the file added. :raises: HydroShareNotAuthorized if user is not authorized to perform action. :raises: HydroShareNotFound if the resource was not found. :raises: HydroShareHTTPException if an unexpected HTTP response code is encountered. """ url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/files/".format(url_base=self.url_base, pid=pid) params = {} close_fd = self._prepareFileForUpload(params, resource_file, resource_filename) encoder = MultipartEncoder(params) if progress_callback is None: progress_callback = default_progress_callback monitor = MultipartEncoderMonitor(encoder, progress_callback) r = self._request('POST', url, data=monitor, headers={'Content-Type': monitor.content_type}) if close_fd: fd = params['file'][1] fd.close() if r.status_code != 201: if r.status_code == 403: raise HydroShareNotAuthorized(('POST', url)) elif r.status_code == 404: raise HydroShareNotFound((pid,)) else: raise HydroShareHTTPException(r) response = r.json() # assert(response['resource_id'] == pid) return response
[docs] def getResourceFile(self, pid, filename, destination=None): """ Get a file within a resource. :param pid: The HydroShare ID of the resource :param filename: String representing the name of the resource file to get. :param destination: String representing the directory to save the resource file to. If None, a stream to the resource file will be returned instead. :return: The path of the downloaded file (if destination was specified), or a stream to the resource file. :raises: HydroShareArgumentException if any parameters are invalid. :raises: HydroShareNotAuthorized if user is not authorized to perform action. :raises: HydroShareNotFound if the resource was not found. :raises: HydroShareHTTPException if an unexpected HTTP response code is encountered. """ url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/files/{filename}".format(url_base=self.url_base, pid=pid, filename=filename) if destination: if not os.path.isdir(destination): raise HydroShareArgumentException("{0} is not a directory.".format(destination)) if not os.access(destination, os.W_OK): raise HydroShareArgumentException("You do not have write permissions to directory '{0}'.".format(destination)) r = self._request('GET', url, stream=True) if r.status_code != 200: if r.status_code == 403: raise HydroShareNotAuthorized(('GET', url)) elif r.status_code == 404: raise HydroShareNotFound((pid, filename)) else: raise HydroShareHTTPException(r) if destination is None: return r.iter_content(STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE) else: filepath = os.path.join(destination, filename) with open(filepath, 'wb') as fd: for chunk in r.iter_content(STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE): fd.write(chunk) return filepath
[docs] def deleteResourceFile(self, pid, filename): """ Delete a resource file :param pid: The HydroShare ID of the resource :param filename: String representing the name of the resource file to delete :return: Dictionary containing 'resource_id' the ID of the resource from which the file was deleted, and 'file_name' the filename of the file deleted. :raises: HydroShareNotAuthorized if user is not authorized to perform action. :raises: HydroShareNotFound if the resource or resource file was not found. :raises: HydroShareHTTPException if an unexpected HTTP response code is encountered. """ url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/files/{filename}".format(url_base=self.url_base, pid=pid, filename=filename) r = self._request('DELETE', url) if r.status_code != 200: if r.status_code == 403: raise HydroShareNotAuthorized(('DELETE', url)) elif r.status_code == 404: raise HydroShareNotFound((pid, filename)) else: raise HydroShareHTTPException(r) response = r.json() assert(response['resource_id'] == pid) return response['resource_id']
[docs] def getResourceFileList(self, pid): """ Get a listing of files within a resource. :param pid: The HydroShare ID of the resource whose resource files are to be listed. :raises: HydroShareArgumentException if any parameters are invalid. :raises: HydroShareNotAuthorized if user is not authorized to perform action. :raises: HydroShareNotFound if the resource was not found. :raises: HydroShareHTTPException if an unexpected HTTP response code is encountered. :return: A generator that can be used to fetch dict objects, each dict representing the JSON object representation of the resource returned by the REST end point. For example: { "count": 95, "next": "", "previous": null, "results": [ { "url": "", "size": 23550, "content_type": "text/plain" }, { "url": "", "size": 107545, "content_type": "image/tiff" }, { "url": "", "size": 148, "content_type": "text/csv" }, { "url": "", "size": 267118, "content_type": "application/x-sqlite3" }, { "url": "", "size": 128, "content_type": "image/png" } ] } """ url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/files/".format(url_base=self.url_base, pid=pid) return resultsListGenerator(self, url)
[docs] def getResourceFolderContents(self, pid, pathname): """ Get a listing of files and folders for a resource at the specified path (*pathname*) :param pid: The HydroShare ID of the resource whose folder contents to be listed :param pathname: Folder path for which contents (files and folders) need to be listed :return: A JSON object representing the contents of the specified folder :raises: HydroShareNotAuthorized if user is not authorized to perform action. :raises: HydroShareNotFound if the resource or resource file was not found. :raises: HydroShareHTTPException if an unexpected HTTP response code is encountered. Example of JSON data returned: { "resource_id": "32a08bc23a86e471282a832143491b49", "path": "model/initial", "files": ["model.exe", "param.txt"], "folders": ["run/1", "run/2"] } """ url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/folders/{path}".format(url_base=self.url_base, pid=pid, path=pathname) r = self._request('GET', url) if r.status_code != 200: if r.status_code == 403: raise HydroShareNotAuthorized(('GET', url)) elif r.status_code == 404: raise HydroShareNotFound((pid,)) else: raise HydroShareHTTPException(r) return r.json()
[docs] def createResourceFolder(self, pid, pathname): """Create folder as specified by *pathname* for a given resource :param pid: The HydroShare ID of the resource for which folder to be created :param pathname: Folder path/name for the folder to be created :return: A JSON object representing the resource id and path of the folder that was created :raises: HydroShareNotAuthorized if user is not authorized to perform action. :raises: HydroShareNotFound if the resource or resource file was not found. :raises: HydroShareHTTPException if an unexpected HTTP response code is encountered. Example of JSON data returned: { "resource_id": "32a08bc23a86e471282a832143491b49", "path": "model/initial" } """ url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/folders/{path}".format(url_base=self.url_base, pid=pid, path=pathname) r = self._request('PUT', url) if r.status_code != 201: if r.status_code == 403: raise HydroShareNotAuthorized(('PUT', url)) elif r.status_code == 404: raise HydroShareNotFound((pid,)) else: raise HydroShareHTTPException(r) return r.json()
[docs] def deleteResourceFolder(self, pid, pathname): """Delete a folder as specified by *pathname* for a given resource :param pid: The HydroShare ID of the resource for which folder to be deleted :param pathname: Folder path/name for the folder to be deleted :return: A JSON object representing the resource id and path of the folder that was deleted :raises: HydroShareNotAuthorized if user is not authorized to perform action. :raises: HydroShareNotFound if the resource or resource file was not found. :raises: HydroShareHTTPException if an unexpected HTTP response code is encountered. Example of JSON data returned: { 'resource_id': "32a08bc23a86e471282a832143491b49", 'path': "model/initial" } """ url = "{url_base}/resource/{pid}/folders/{path}".format(url_base=self.url_base, pid=pid, path=pathname) r = self._request('DELETE', url) if r.status_code != 200: if r.status_code == 403: raise HydroShareNotAuthorized(('DELETE', url)) elif r.status_code == 404: raise HydroShareNotFound((pid,)) else: raise HydroShareHTTPException(r) return r.json()
[docs] def createReferenceURL(self, pid, name, ref_url, path="", validate=True): """Create a Referenced Content File (.url) :param pid: The HydroShare ID of the resource for which the file should be created :param name: Filename for the referenced file :param ref_url: url to be used in the referenced file :param path: Optional, defaults to contents directory if not provided. Folder path for the file to be created in :return: JsonResponse on success or HttpResponse with error status code on error :raises: HydroShareNotAuthorized if user is not authorized to perform action. :raises: HydroShareNotFound if the resource or resource file was not found. :raises: HydroShareHTTPException if an unexpected HTTP response code is encountered. """ return self.createReferencedFile(pid, path, name, ref_url, validate)
[docs] def createReferencedFile(self, pid, path, name, ref_url, validate): """Deprecated, use createReferenceURL. Create a Referenced Content File (.url) :param pid: The HydroShare ID of the resource for which the file should be created :param path: Folder path for the file to be created in :param name: Filename for the referenced file :param ref_url: url to be used in the referenced file :return: JsonResponse on success or HttpResponse with error status code on error :raises: HydroShareNotAuthorized if user is not authorized to perform action. :raises: HydroShareNotFound if the resource or resource file was not found. :raises: HydroShareHTTPException if an unexpected HTTP response code is encountered. """ url = "{url_base}/resource/data-store-add-reference/".format(url_base=self.url_base) data = {'res_id': pid, 'curr_path': path, 'ref_name': name, 'ref_url': ref_url, "validate_url_flag": validate} r = self._request('POST', url, data=data) if r.status_code != 200: if r.status_code == 403: raise HydroShareNotAuthorized(('POST', url)) elif r.status_code == 404: raise HydroShareNotFound((pid,)) else: raise HydroShareHTTPException(r) return r.json()
[docs] def updateReferenceURL(self, pid, name, ref_url, path=""): """Update a Referenced Content File (.url) :param pid: The HydroShare ID of the resource for which the file should be updated :param name: Filename for the referenced file :param ref_url: url to be updated in the referenced file :param path: Optional, defaults to contents directory if not provided. Folder path for the file to be updated in :return: JsonResponse on success or HttpResponse with error status code on error :raises: HydroShareNotAuthorized if user is not authorized to perform action. :raises: HydroShareNotFound if the resource or resource file was not found. :raises: HydroShareHTTPException if an unexpected HTTP response code is encountered. """ return self.updateReferencedFile(pid, path, name, ref_url)
[docs] def updateReferencedFile(self, pid, path, name, ref_url): """Deprecated, use updateReferenceURL. Update a Referenced Content File (.url) :param pid: The HydroShare ID of the resource for which the file should be updated :param path: Folder path for the file to be updated in :param name: Filename for the referenced file :param ref_url: url to be updated in the referenced file :return: JsonResponse on success or HttpResponse with error status code on error :raises: HydroShareNotAuthorized if user is not authorized to perform action. :raises: HydroShareNotFound if the resource or resource file was not found. :raises: HydroShareHTTPException if an unexpected HTTP response code is encountered. """ url = "{url_base}/resource/data_store_edit_reference_url/".format(url_base=self.url_base) data = {'res_id': pid, 'curr_path': path, 'url_filename': name, 'new_ref_url': ref_url} r = self._request('POST', url, data=data) if r.status_code != 200: if r.status_code == 403: raise HydroShareNotAuthorized(('POST', url)) elif r.status_code == 404: raise HydroShareNotFound((pid,)) else: raise HydroShareHTTPException(r) return r.json()
[docs] def getUserInfo(self): """ Query the GET /hsapi/userInfo/ REST end point of the HydroShare server. :raises: HydroShareHTTPException to signal an HTTP error :return: A JSON object representing user info, for example: { "username": "username", "first_name": "First", "last_name": "Last", "email": "" } """ url = "{url_base}/userInfo/".format(url_base=self.url_base) r = self._request('GET', url) if r.status_code != 200: raise HydroShareHTTPException(r) return r.json()
[docs]class AbstractHydroShareAuth(object): pass
[docs]class HydroShareAuthBasic(AbstractHydroShareAuth): def __init__(self, username, password): self.username = username self.password = password
[docs]class HydroShareAuthOAuth2(AbstractHydroShareAuth): _TOKEN_URL_PROTO_WITHOUT_PORT = "{scheme}://{hostname}/o/token/" _TOKEN_URL_PROTO_WITH_PORT = "{scheme}://{hostname}:{port}/o/token/" def __init__(self, client_id, client_secret, hostname=DEFAULT_HOSTNAME, use_https=True, port=None, username=None, password=None, token=None): if use_https: scheme = 'https' else: scheme = 'http' if port: self.token_url = self._TOKEN_URL_PROTO_WITH_PORT.format(scheme=scheme, hostname=hostname, port=port) else: self.token_url = self._TOKEN_URL_PROTO_WITHOUT_PORT.format(scheme=scheme, hostname=hostname) self.client_id = client_id self.client_secret = client_secret self.username = username self.password = password self.token = token if self.token: if 'expires_at' not in self.token: self.token['expires_at'] = int(time.time()) + int(self.token['expires_in']) - EXPIRES_AT_ROUNDDOWN_SEC