hs_restclient package


hs_restclient.compat module

hs_restclient.compat.is_py2 = True

Python 2.x?

hs_restclient.compat.is_py3 = False

Python 3.x?

hs_restclient.exceptions module

exception hs_restclient.exceptions.HydroShareArgumentException(args)[source]

Bases: hs_restclient.exceptions.HydroShareException

exception hs_restclient.exceptions.HydroShareAuthenticationException(args)[source]

Bases: hs_restclient.exceptions.HydroShareException

exception hs_restclient.exceptions.HydroShareBagNotReadyException(args)[source]

Bases: hs_restclient.exceptions.HydroShareException

exception hs_restclient.exceptions.HydroShareException(args)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

exception hs_restclient.exceptions.HydroShareHTTPException(response)[source]

Bases: hs_restclient.exceptions.HydroShareException

Exception used to communicate HTTP errors from HydroShare server

Arguments in tuple passed to constructor must be: (url, status_code, params). url and status_code are of type string, while the optional params argument should be a dict.

exception hs_restclient.exceptions.HydroShareNotAuthorized(args)[source]

Bases: hs_restclient.exceptions.HydroShareException

exception hs_restclient.exceptions.HydroShareNotFound(args)[source]

Bases: hs_restclient.exceptions.HydroShareException

hs_restclient.generators module

hs_restclient.generators.resultsListGenerator(hs, url, params=None)[source]

Module contents

Client library for HydroShare REST API

class hs_restclient.AbstractHydroShareAuth[source]

Bases: object

class hs_restclient.HydroShare(hostname='www.hydroshare.org', port=None, use_https=True, verify=True, auth=None, prompt_auth=True)[source]

Bases: object

Construct HydroShare object for querying HydroShare’s REST API

  • hostname – Hostname of the HydroShare server to query
  • port – Integer representing the TCP port on which to connect to the HydroShare server
  • use_https – Boolean, if True, HTTPS will be used (HTTP cannot be used when auth is specified)
  • verify – Boolean, if True, security certificates will be verified
  • auth – Concrete instance of AbstractHydroShareAuth (e.g. HydroShareAuthBasic)
  • prompt_auth – Boolean, default True, prompts user/pass if no auth is given

HydroShareAuthenticationException if auth is not a known authentication type.


HydroShareAuthenticationException if auth is specified by use_https is False.


HydroShareAuthenticationException if other authentication errors occur.

addResourceFile(pid, resource_file, resource_filename=None, progress_callback=None)[source]

Add a new file to an existing resource

  • pid – The HydroShare ID of the resource
  • resource_file – a read-only binary file-like object (i.e. opened with the flag ‘rb’) or a string representing path to file to be uploaded as part of the new resource
  • resource_filename – string representing the filename of the resource file. Must be specified if resource_file is a file-like object. If resource_file is a string representing a valid file path, and resource_filename is not specified, resource_filename will be equal to os.path.basename(resource_file). is a string
  • progress_callback – user-defined function to provide feedback to the user about the progress of the upload of resource_file. For more information, see: http://toolbelt.readthedocs.org/en/latest/uploading-data.html#monitoring-your-streaming-multipart-upload

Dictionary containing ‘resource_id’ the ID of the resource to which the file was added, and ‘file_name’ the filename of the file added.


HydroShareNotAuthorized if user is not authorized to perform action.


HydroShareNotFound if the resource was not found.


HydroShareHTTPException if an unexpected HTTP response code is encountered.

createReferenceURL(pid, name, ref_url, path='', validate=True)[source]

Create a Referenced Content File (.url) :param pid: The HydroShare ID of the resource for which the file should be created :param name: Filename for the referenced file :param ref_url: url to be used in the referenced file :param path: Optional, defaults to contents directory if not provided. Folder path for the file to be created in :return: JsonResponse on success or HttpResponse with error status code on error

Raises:HydroShareNotAuthorized if user is not authorized to perform action.
Raises:HydroShareNotFound if the resource or resource file was not found.
Raises:HydroShareHTTPException if an unexpected HTTP response code is encountered.
createReferencedFile(pid, path, name, ref_url, validate)[source]

Deprecated, use createReferenceURL. Create a Referenced Content File (.url)

  • pid – The HydroShare ID of the resource for which the file should be created
  • path – Folder path for the file to be created in
  • name – Filename for the referenced file
  • ref_url – url to be used in the referenced file

JsonResponse on success or HttpResponse with error status code on error


HydroShareNotAuthorized if user is not authorized to perform action.


HydroShareNotFound if the resource or resource file was not found.


HydroShareHTTPException if an unexpected HTTP response code is encountered.

createResource(resource_type, title, resource_file=None, resource_filename=None, abstract=None, keywords=None, edit_users=None, view_users=None, edit_groups=None, view_groups=None, metadata=None, extra_metadata=None, progress_callback=None)[source]

Create a new resource.

  • resource_type – string representing the a HydroShare resource type recognized by this server.
  • title – string representing the title of the new resource
  • resource_file – a read-only binary file-like object (i.e. opened with the flag ‘rb’) or a string representing path to file to be uploaded as part of the new resource
  • resource_filename – string representing the filename of the resource file. Must be specified if resource_file is a file-like object. If resource_file is a string representing a valid file path, and resource_filename is not specified, resource_filename will be equal to os.path.basename(resource_file). is a string
  • abstract – string representing abstract of resource
  • keywords – list of strings representing keywords to associate with the resource
  • edit_users – list of HydroShare usernames who will be given edit permissions
  • view_users – list of HydroShare usernames who will be given view permissions
  • edit_groups – list of HydroShare group names that will be given edit permissions
  • view_groups – list of HydroShare group names that will be given view permissions
  • metadata – json string data for each of the metadata elements
  • extra_metadata – json string data for key/value pair metadata elements defined by user
  • progress_callback – user-defined function to provide feedback to the user about the progress of the upload of resource_file. For more information, see: http://toolbelt.readthedocs.org/en/latest/uploading-data.html#monitoring-your-streaming-multipart-upload

string representing ID of newly created resource.


HydroShareArgumentException if any parameters are invalid.


HydroShareNotAuthorized if user is not authorized to perform action.


HydroShareHTTPException if an unexpected HTTP response code is encountered.

createResourceFolder(pid, pathname)[source]

Create folder as specified by pathname for a given resource

  • pid – The HydroShare ID of the resource for which folder to be created
  • pathname – Folder path/name for the folder to be created

A JSON object representing the resource id and path of the folder that was created


HydroShareNotAuthorized if user is not authorized to perform action.


HydroShareNotFound if the resource or resource file was not found.


HydroShareHTTPException if an unexpected HTTP response code is encountered.

Example of JSON data returned: {

“resource_id”: “32a08bc23a86e471282a832143491b49”, “path”: “model/initial”



Delete a resource.

Parameters:pid – The HydroShare ID of the resource
deleteResourceFile(pid, filename)[source]

Delete a resource file

  • pid – The HydroShare ID of the resource
  • filename – String representing the name of the resource file to delete

Dictionary containing ‘resource_id’ the ID of the resource from which the file was deleted, and ‘file_name’ the filename of the file deleted.


HydroShareNotAuthorized if user is not authorized to perform action.


HydroShareNotFound if the resource or resource file was not found.


HydroShareHTTPException if an unexpected HTTP response code is encountered.

deleteResourceFolder(pid, pathname)[source]

Delete a folder as specified by pathname for a given resource

  • pid – The HydroShare ID of the resource for which folder to be deleted
  • pathname – Folder path/name for the folder to be deleted

A JSON object representing the resource id and path of the folder that was deleted


HydroShareNotAuthorized if user is not authorized to perform action.


HydroShareNotFound if the resource or resource file was not found.


HydroShareHTTPException if an unexpected HTTP response code is encountered.

Example of JSON data returned: {

‘resource_id’: “32a08bc23a86e471282a832143491b49”, ‘path’: “model/initial”


getResource(pid, destination=None, unzip=False, wait_for_bag_creation=True)[source]

Get a resource in BagIt format

  • pid – The HydroShare ID of the resource
  • destination – String representing the directory to save bag to. Bag will be saved to file named $(PID).zip in destination; existing file of the same name will be overwritten. If None, a stream to the zipped bag will be returned instead.
  • unzip – True if the bag should be unzipped when saved to destination. Bag contents to be saved to directory named $(PID) residing in destination. Only applies when destination is not None.
  • wait_for_bag_creation – True if to wait to download the bag in case the bag is not ready (bag needs to be recreated before it can be downloaded).

HydroShareArgumentException if any arguments are invalid.


HydroShareNotAuthorized if the user is not authorized to access the resource.


HydroShareNotFound if the resource was not found.


HydroShareHTTPException to signal an HTTP error


HydroShareBagNotReady if the bag is not ready to be downloaded and wait_for_bag_creation is False


None if the bag was saved directly to disk. Or a generator representing a buffered stream of the bytes comprising the bag returned by the REST end point.

getResourceFile(pid, filename, destination=None)[source]

Get a file within a resource.

  • pid – The HydroShare ID of the resource
  • filename – String representing the name of the resource file to get.
  • destination – String representing the directory to save the resource file to. If None, a stream to the resource file will be returned instead.

The path of the downloaded file (if destination was specified), or a stream to the resource file.


HydroShareArgumentException if any parameters are invalid.


HydroShareNotAuthorized if user is not authorized to perform action.


HydroShareNotFound if the resource was not found.


HydroShareHTTPException if an unexpected HTTP response code is encountered.


Get a listing of files within a resource.

Parameters:pid – The HydroShare ID of the resource whose resource files are to be listed.
Raises:HydroShareArgumentException if any parameters are invalid.
Raises:HydroShareNotAuthorized if user is not authorized to perform action.
Raises:HydroShareNotFound if the resource was not found.
Raises:HydroShareHTTPException if an unexpected HTTP response code is encountered.
Returns:A generator that can be used to fetch dict objects, each dict representing the JSON object representation of the resource returned by the REST end point. For example:

“count”: 95, “next”: “https://www.hydroshare.org/hsapi/resource/32a08bc23a86e471282a832143491b49/file_list/?page=2”, “previous”: null, “results”: [

“url”: “http://www.hydroshare.org/django_irods/download/32a08bc23a86e471282a832143491b49/data/contents/foo/bar.txt”, “size”: 23550, “content_type”: “text/plain”

}, {

“url”: “http://www.hydroshare.org/django_irods/download/32a08bc23a86e471282a832143491b49/data/contents/dem.tif”, “size”: 107545, “content_type”: “image/tiff”

}, {

“url”: “http://www.hydroshare.org/django_irods/download/32a08bc23a86e471282a832143491b49/data/contents/data.csv”, “size”: 148, “content_type”: “text/csv”

}, {

“url”: “http://www.hydroshare.org/django_irods/download/32a08bc23a86e471282a832143491b49/data/contents/data.sqlite”, “size”: 267118, “content_type”: “application/x-sqlite3”

}, {

“url”: “http://www.hydroshare.org/django_irods/download/32a08bc23a86e471282a832143491b49/data/contents/viz.png”, “size”: 128, “content_type”: “image/png”




getResourceFolderContents(pid, pathname)[source]

Get a listing of files and folders for a resource at the specified path (pathname)

  • pid – The HydroShare ID of the resource whose folder contents to be listed
  • pathname – Folder path for which contents (files and folders) need to be listed

A JSON object representing the contents of the specified folder


HydroShareNotAuthorized if user is not authorized to perform action.


HydroShareNotFound if the resource or resource file was not found.


HydroShareHTTPException if an unexpected HTTP response code is encountered.

Example of JSON data returned: {

“resource_id”: “32a08bc23a86e471282a832143491b49”, “path”: “model/initial”, “files”: [“model.exe”, “param.txt”], “folders”: [“run/1”, “run/2”]



Get resource map metadata for a resource

Parameters:pid – The HydroShare ID of the resource
Raises:HydroShareNotAuthorized if the user is not authorized to view the metadata.
Raises:HydroShareNotFound if the resource was not found.
Raises:HydroShareHTTPException to signal an HTTP error.
Returns:A string representing the XML+RDF serialization of resource map metadata.

Example of data returned:

<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?> <rdf:RDF

xmlns:citoterms=”http://purl.org/spar/cito/” xmlns:dc=”http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/” xmlns:dcterms=”http://purl.org/dc/terms/” xmlns:foaf=”http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/” xmlns:ore=”http://www.openarchives.org/ore/terms/” xmlns:rdf=”http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#” xmlns:rdfs1=”http://www.w3.org/2001/01/rdf-schema#”
<rdf:Description rdf:about=”http://foresite-toolkit.googlecode.com/#pythonAgent”>
<foaf:name>Foresite Toolkit (Python)</foaf:name> <foaf:mbox>foresite@googlegroups.com</foaf:mbox>

</rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about=”http://www.hydroshare.org/terms/GenericResource”>

<rdfs1:label>Generic</rdfs1:label> <rdfs1:isDefinedBy>http://www.hydroshare.org/terms</rdfs1:isDefinedBy>

</rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about=”http://www.hydroshare.org/resource/03c862ccf17b4853ac4288d63ab2d766/data/contents/test.txt”>

<ore:isAggregatedBy>http://www.hydroshare.org/resource/03c862ccf17b4853ac4288d63ab2d766/data/resourcemap.xml#aggregation</ore:isAggregatedBy> <dc:format>text/plain</dc:format>

</rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about=”http://www.hydroshare.org/resource/03c862ccf17b4853ac4288d63ab2d766/data/resourcemap.xml”>

<dc:identifier>03c862ccf17b4853ac4288d63ab2d766</dc:identifier> <ore:describes rdf:resource=”http://www.hydroshare.org/resource/03c862ccf17b4853ac4288d63ab2d766/data/resourcemap.xml#aggregation”/> <rdf:type rdf:resource=”http://www.openarchives.org/ore/terms/ResourceMap”/> <dc:format>application/rdf+xml</dc:format> <dc:creator rdf:resource=”http://foresite-toolkit.googlecode.com/#pythonAgent”/> <dcterms:created>2016-11-29T16:17:52Z</dcterms:created> <dcterms:modified>2016-11-29T16:17:52Z</dcterms:modified>

</rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about=”http://www.openarchives.org/ore/terms/ResourceMap”>

<rdfs1:isDefinedBy>http://www.openarchives.org/ore/terms/</rdfs1:isDefinedBy> <rdfs1:label>ResourceMap</rdfs1:label>

</rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about=”http://www.hydroshare.org/resource/03c862ccf17b4853ac4288d63ab2d766/data/resourcemap.xml#aggregation”>

<citoterms:isDocumentedBy>http://www.hydroshare.org/resource/03c862ccf17b4853ac4288d63ab2d766/data/resourcemetadata.xml</citoterms:isDocumentedBy> <dc:title>Gen Res-1</dc:title> <dcterms:type rdf:resource=”http://www.hydroshare.org/terms/GenericResource”/> <ore:isDescribedBy>http://www.hydroshare.org/resource/03c862ccf17b4853ac4288d63ab2d766/data/resourcemap.xml</ore:isDescribedBy> <ore:aggregates rdf:resource=”http://www.hydroshare.org/resource/03c862ccf17b4853ac4288d63ab2d766/data/resourcemetadata.xml”/> <ore:aggregates rdf:resource=”http://www.hydroshare.org/resource/03c862ccf17b4853ac4288d63ab2d766/data/contents/test.txt”/> <rdf:type rdf:resource=”http://www.openarchives.org/ore/terms/Aggregation”/>

<rdf:Description rdf:about=”http://www.hydroshare.org/resource/03c862ccf17b4853ac4288d63ab2d766/data/resourcemetadata.xml”>
<ore:isAggregatedBy>http://www.hydroshare.org/resource/03c862ccf17b4853ac4288d63ab2d766/data/resourcemap.xml#aggregation</ore:isAggregatedBy> <citoterms:documents>http://www.hydroshare.org/resource/03c862ccf17b4853ac4288d63ab2d766/data/resourcemap.xml#aggregation</citoterms:documents> <dc:title>Dublin Core science metadata document describing the HydroShare resource</dc:title> <dc:format>application/rdf+xml</dc:format>

</rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about=”http://www.openarchives.org/ore/terms/Aggregation”>

<rdfs1:label>Aggregation</rdfs1:label> <rdfs1:isDefinedBy>http://www.openarchives.org/ore/terms/</rdfs1:isDefinedBy>




Get the list of resource types supported by the HydroShare server

Returns:A set of strings representing the HydroShare resource types
Raises:HydroShareHTTPException to signal an HTTP error

Get science metadata for a resource in JSON format Note: Dublin core metadata as well as any resource specific metadata is retrieved.

Parameters:pid – The HydroShare ID of the resource
Raises:HydroShareNotAuthorized if the user is not authorized to view the metadata.
Raises:HydroShareNotFound if the resource was not found.
Raises:HydroShareHTTPException to signal an HTTP error.
Returns:A string representing JSON serialization of science metadata.

Example of data JSON returned (this example shows only Dublin core metadata):


“title”:”Great Salt Lake Level and Volume”, “creators”:[

{“name”:”John Smith”,”description”:”/user/24/”,”organization”:”USU”,”email”:”john.smith@usu.edu”,”address”:”Engineering Building, USU, Logan, Utah”,”phone”:”435-789-9087”,”homepage”:null,”order”:1}, {“name”:”Lisa Miller”,”description”:null,”organization”:null,”email”:null,”address”:null,”phone”:null,”homepage”:null,”order”:2}


{“name”:”Jenny Parker”,”description”:”“,”organization”:”Univesity of Utah”,”email”:”jenny_parker@hotmail.com”,”address”:”“,”phone”:”“,”homepage”:”“}




{“type”:”created”,”start_date”:”2017-01-03T17:06:18.932217Z”,”end_date”:null}, {“type”:”modified”,”start_date”:”2017-01-03T17:06:19.162694Z”,”end_date”:null}


“description”:”Time series of level, area and volume in the Great Salt Lake. Volume and area of the Great Salt Lake are derived from recorded levels”, “formats”:[



{“agency_name”:”National Science Foundation”,”award_title”:”Model Execution Cyberinfrastructure “,”award_number”:”NSF_9087658_2017”,”agency_url”:”http://www.nsf.gov”}




“language”:”eng”, “rights”:”This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/”, “type”:”http://www.hydroshare.org/terms/GenericResource”, “publisher”:null, “sources”:[], “subjects”:[

{“value”:”NSF”}, {“value”:”Modeling”}





Get science metadata for a resource in XML+RDF format

Parameters:pid – The HydroShare ID of the resource
Raises:HydroShareNotAuthorized if the user is not authorized to view the metadata.
Raises:HydroShareNotFound if the resource was not found.
Raises:HydroShareHTTPException to signal an HTTP error.
Returns:A string representing the XML+RDF serialization of science metadata.

Example of data XML+RDF returned:

<?xml version=”1.0”?> <!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF PUBLIC “-//DUBLIN CORE//DCMES DTD 2002/07/31//EN” “http://dublincore.org/documents/2002/07/31/dcmes-xml/dcmes-xml-dtd.dtd”> <rdf:RDF xmlns:dc=”http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/” xmlns:dcterms=”http://purl.org/dc/terms/” xmlns:hsterms=”http://hydroshare.org/terms/” xmlns:rdf=”http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#” xmlns:rdfs1=”http://www.w3.org/2001/01/rdf-schema#”>

<rdf:Description rdf:about=”http://www.hydroshare.org/resource/87ffb608900e407ab4b67d30c93b329e”>

<dc:title>Great Salt Lake Level and Volume</dc:title> <dc:type rdf:resource=”http://www.hydroshare.org/terms/GenericResource”/> <dc:description>

<dcterms:abstract>Time series of level, area and volume in the Great Salt Lake. Volume and area of the Great Salt Lake are derived from recorded levels</dcterms:abstract>


</dc:description> <hsterms:awardInfo>

<rdf:Description rdf:about=”http://www.nsf.gov”>
<hsterms:fundingAgencyName>National Science Foundation</hsterms:fundingAgencyName> <hsterms:awardTitle>Model Execution Cyberinfrastructure </hsterms:awardTitle> <hsterms:awardNumber>NSF_9087658_2017</hsterms:awardNumber>


</hsterms:awardInfo> <dc:creator>

<hsterms:name>John Smith</hsterms:name> <hsterms:creatorOrder>1</hsterms:creatorOrder> <hsterms:organization>Utah State University</hsterms:organization> <hsterms:email>john.smith@gmail.com</hsterms:email> <hsterms:address>Engineering Building, USU, Logan, Utah</hsterms:address> <hsterms:phone rdf:resource=”tel:435-797-8967”/>


</dc:creator> <dc:creator>

<hsterms:name>Lisa Miller</hsterms:name> <hsterms:creatorOrder>2</hsterms:creatorOrder>


</dc:creator> <dc:contributor>

<hsterms:name>Jenny Parker</hsterms:name> <hsterms:organization>Univesity of Utah</hsterms:organization> <hsterms:email>jenny_parker@hotmail.com</hsterms:email>


</dc:contributor> <dc:coverage>

<rdf:value>start=2000-01-01T00:00:00; end=2010-12-12T00:00:00; scheme=W3C-DTF</rdf:value>


</dc:coverage> <dc:date>



</dc:date> <dc:date>



</dc:date> <dc:format>image/tiff</dc:format> <dc:identifier>



</dc:identifier> <dc:language>eng</dc:language> <dc:rights>

<hsterms:rightsStatement>This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.</hsterms:rightsStatement> <hsterms:URL rdf:resource=”http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/”/>


</dc:rights> <dc:subject>NSF</dc:subject> <dc:subject>Model</dc:subject> <dc:subject>Cyberinfrastructure</dc:subject> <hsterms:extendedMetadata>

<hsterms:key>model</hsterms:key> <hsterms:value>ueb</hsterms:value>


</hsterms:extendedMetadata> <hsterms:extendedMetadata>

<hsterms:key>os</hsterms:key> <hsterms:value>windows</hsterms:value>



</rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about=”http://www.hydroshare.org/terms/GenericResource”>

<rdfs1:label>Generic</rdfs1:label> <rdfs1:isDefinedBy>http://www.hydroshare.org/terms</rdfs1:isDefinedBy>




Get system metadata for a resource

Parameters:pid – The HydroShare ID of the resource
Raises:HydroShareHTTPException to signal an HTTP error
Returns:A dict representing the JSON object representation of the resource returned by the REST end point.

Example of data returned:

{u’bag_url’: u’http://www.hydroshare.org/static/media/bags/hr3hy35y5ht4y54hhthrtg43w.zip’,
u’creator’: u’B Miles’, u’date_created’: u‘01-02-2015’, u’date_last_updated’: u‘05-13-2015’, u’resource_id’: u’hr3hy35y5ht4y54hhthrtg43w’, u’resource_title’: u’Other raster’, u’resource_type’: u’RasterResource’, u’science_metadata_url’: u’http://www.hydroshare.org/hsapi/scimeta/hr3hy35y5ht4y54hhthrtg43w/’, u’public’: True}

Query the GET /hsapi/userInfo/ REST end point of the HydroShare server.

Raises:HydroShareHTTPException to signal an HTTP error
Returns:A JSON object representing user info, for example:
“username”: “username”, “first_name”: “First”, “last_name”: “Last”, “email”: “user@domain.com


setAccessRules(pid, public=False)[source]

Set access rules for a resource. Current only allows for setting the public or private setting.

  • pid – The HydroShare ID of the resource
  • public – True if the resource should be made public.
updateReferenceURL(pid, name, ref_url, path='')[source]

Update a Referenced Content File (.url)

  • pid – The HydroShare ID of the resource for which the file should be updated
  • name – Filename for the referenced file
  • ref_url – url to be updated in the referenced file
  • path – Optional, defaults to contents directory if not provided. Folder path for the file to be updated in

JsonResponse on success or HttpResponse with error status code on error


HydroShareNotAuthorized if user is not authorized to perform action.


HydroShareNotFound if the resource or resource file was not found.


HydroShareHTTPException if an unexpected HTTP response code is encountered.

updateReferencedFile(pid, path, name, ref_url)[source]

Deprecated, use updateReferenceURL. Update a Referenced Content File (.url)

  • pid – The HydroShare ID of the resource for which the file should be updated
  • path – Folder path for the file to be updated in
  • name – Filename for the referenced file
  • ref_url – url to be updated in the referenced file

JsonResponse on success or HttpResponse with error status code on error


HydroShareNotAuthorized if user is not authorized to perform action.


HydroShareNotFound if the resource or resource file was not found.


HydroShareHTTPException if an unexpected HTTP response code is encountered.

updateScienceMetadata(pid, metadata)[source]

Update Dublin core metadata as well as resource specific metadata for a resource

  • pid – The HydroShare ID of the resource for which science metadata needs to be updated
  • metadata – A dict containing data for each of the dublin core metadata elements that needs to be updated

HydroShareNotAuthorized if the user is not authorized to view the metadata.


HydroShareNotFound if the resource was not found.


HydroShareHTTPException to signal an HTTP error.


A string representing the JSON serialization of resource science metadata.

Example of data JSON returned (this example shows only Dublin core metadata):


“title”:”Great Salt Lake Level and Volume”, “creators”:[

{“name”:”John Smith”,”description”:”/user/24/”,”organization”:”USU”,”email”:”john.smith@usu.edu”,”address”:”Engineering Building, USU, Logan, Utah”,”phone”:”435-789-9087”,”homepage”:null,”order”:1}, {“name”:”Lisa Miller”,”description”:null,”organization”:null,”email”:null,”address”:null,”phone”:null,”homepage”:null,”order”:2}


{“name”:”Jenny Parker”,”description”:”“,”organization”:”University of Utah”,”email”:”jenny_parker@hotmail.com”,”address”:”“,”phone”:”“,”homepage”:”“}




{“type”:”created”,”start_date”:”2017-01-03T17:06:18.932217Z”,”end_date”:null}, {“type”:”modified”,”start_date”:”2017-01-03T17:06:19.162694Z”,”end_date”:null}


“description”:”Time series of level, area and volume in the Great Salt Lake. Volume and area of the Great Salt Lake are derived from recorded levels”, “formats”:[



{“agency_name”:”National Science Foundation”,”award_title”:”Model Execution Cyberinfrastructure “,”award_number”:”NSF_9087658_2017”,”agency_url”:”http://www.nsf.gov”}




“language”:”eng”, “rights”: {“statement”: “This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.” “url”: “http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/”}, “type”:”http://www.hydroshare.org/terms/GenericResource”, “publisher”:null, “sources”:[], “subjects”:[

{“value”:”NSF”}, {“value”:”Modeling”}




class hs_restclient.HydroShareAuthBasic(username, password)[source]

Bases: hs_restclient.AbstractHydroShareAuth

class hs_restclient.HydroShareAuthOAuth2(client_id, client_secret, hostname='www.hydroshare.org', use_https=True, port=None, username=None, password=None, token=None)[source]

Bases: hs_restclient.AbstractHydroShareAuth
